Whelden Memorial Library
PO Box 147
West Barnstable MA 02668
Use this form to get in touch with our Board of Trustees, Friends Group, or a library staff member. Just include the name or group in the body of your message, and we'll make sure it’s forwarded to the right person!
Is your group looking to meet in the library?
Are you a patron who wants to host a program or has a suggestion for one?
Are you a patron who would like to suggest we purchase something for the collection?
Are you a programmer who would like to advertise their services?
Are you selling a book or other item and would like the library to consider it for the collection?
2401 Meetinghouse Way
P.O. Box 147
West Barnstable, MA 02668
508-362-2262 / Fax: 508-362-1344
Monday..................2pm - 7pm
Tuesday.................9am - 2pm
Wednesday............2pm - 7pm
Thursday................9am - 2pm
Friday.....................9am - 2pm
Saturday................9am - 2pm
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